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Janss Steps during the day with students with text "Become a more effective institution"
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Goal 5: Become a more effective institution


UCLA’s organization and processes have evolved over the course of more than a century. While much of our remarkably complex institution operates smoothly, inefficiencies have also developed. To ensure we can support brilliant research, excellent teaching and exciting new initiatives with our limited resources, the university must improve its systems and processes, free up resources, adjust incentive structures and modernize its technology. This will allow UCLA to meet its full potential.  


Some of the priorities for this goal include: 

  • Create and implement a learning pathway to introduce the practice of continuous process improvement campuswide.
  • Develop a system for submitting, evaluating and tracking process improvement opportunities.
  • Develop a framework for assessing institutional effectiveness (key performance indicators) and create a resource that will support campus units in establishing measures of effectiveness at the local level.
  • Launch ITS-led Data Governance Committee to establish data stewardship, promote data literacy, and implement consistent practices that enable ethical and secure data management for data-driven decision-making.
  • Implement space-use technologies pilot to enhance data environments, evaluate occupancy accurately and at scale, optimize energy demand management and enable data-driven space decisions.

Expected Outcomes

Becoming a more effective institution will:

  • reduce administrative burden for faculty, staff, students and other stakeholders through improved systems and processes; 
  • enable better data sharing and analysis, and improve decision making; 
  • free up human, fiscal and physical resources for mission-driven priorities; 
  • improve student access to required courses and services; and
  • improve overall student outcomes.

Measures of success

Ways that we will define progress against this goal include: 

  • Reduction in cost and/or time for implementing processes
  • Increased self service
  • Automation of repetitive tasks
  • Greater use of data and data analytics in decision making 
  • Establishment of continuous process improvement culture

Stories of impact

Implementation Planning Group

Lead: Michael J. Beck, Vice Chancellor for Administration 

Tracey Parr, Associate Dean, UCLA School of Law 

Heather Caruso, Associate Adjunct Professor and Associate Dean for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, UCLA Anderson School of Management

Adam Sugano, Executive Director, Chancellor’s Office of Data Analytics

Jerome Crawford, Director of Performance Excellence, UCLA Health 

Sarika Thakur, Chief of Staff to the Dean, UCLA School of Education & Information Studies

Dave McIntosh, Vice Dean for Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA 

Aaron Tornell, Professor of Economics

Lauren Na, Assistant Dean for Academic Personnel & Operations, UCLA College

O.T. Wells II, Chief Procurement Officer, Campus Purchasing & Payables